Tuesday, December 31, 2019

More Guns ≠ More Gun Deaths

If there is no correlation, there cannot be causation.  This site makes that argument quite graphically:

It's an excellent analytical piece.  RTWT.

We've Been Saying This for YEARS


Spokane Police will add suppressors to rifles, citing concerns about hearing damage

Rifles carried by Spokane police on patrol will soon be equipped with suppressors, a move the department says will protect officers and civilians from hearing damage.

“It’s nothing more than like the muffler you put on your car,” said Lt. Rob Boothe, the range master and lead firearms instructor for the department.Outfitting the department’s 181 service rifles with suppressors will protect the city from the legal costs of worker’s compensation claims filed by officers, as well as from potential lawsuits filed by bystanders whose ears are exposed to firearm blasts. The sound of a fired shot can be louder than the takeoff of jet engines, the department says.
So why do we ordinary citizens have to put in an application that requires a photograph, fingerprints, a background check and a $200 tax for a piece of SAFETY EQUIPMENT?

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

The .gov Can't Keep Up with Current Demand...

…so hey! Let’s expand the program with UNIVERSAL background checks!

Gun background checks are on pace to break record in 2019

200,000 checks on Black Friday alone. Enough to arm the United States Marine Corps.


FBI never completes hundreds of thousands of gun checks

So it makes PERFECT sense to double or triple the number of background checks! Right?

Why is it that the .gov is the only entity that when it fails at something it doubles-down?

Sunday, December 01, 2019