Monday, March 20, 2006

Please, Hold Your Breath, Sharon.

Radio personality Laura Ingraham wrote a book, Shut up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the U. N. Are Subverting America. The title is pretty much self-explanatory. Perhaps, given the recent bloviations from Hollywood, she should have named it "Shut Up and Act."

Breitbart reports today:
Peace just a breath away, says Sharon Stone

A peaceful co-existence between the peoples of the Middle East is but a breath away, Hollywood star Sharon Stone said after a highly publicized visit to Israel.

"It feels to me that we have an opportunity ... to choose understanding in a new way," she told a press conference in Paris when asked about her trip.

"And it really is just a breath. It's just an agreement that's just a breath. We are not far apart. We can choose to have this alternative kind of growth that is a collective nuance of understanding.

"We are just that breath away from a peaceful co-existence," she added after her visit to Israel as a guest of the Peres Center for Peace, a foundation run by Nobel laureate and former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres.

Stone, 48, who visited several projects aimed at promoting peace, including a kindergarten for Israeli and Palestinian children in Jaffa, was also photographed praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, the holiest Jewish shrine.
Doesn't that just give you the warm-and-fuzzies? "Just a breath..."

The puff-piece goes on:
Stone, who is also an ardent champion of women's rights, was in Paris ahead of the release of her latest film "Basic Instinct II".

She told journalists that she was delighted that women were stepping up to take their place in the world, taking on new jobs to which they brought something unique, "their feminine instinct."

"This is a new and very exciting time for women, because women by their very nature are creative and not destructive. And this is an extraordinary and important thing that we can bring into a world that awaits the opportunity for peace."
I guess Ms. Stone is in denial about the volume of angry breathers out there who would happily rape her for going around without covering her head, much less stone her to death for the acts she simulates in "Basic Instinct II." (Video absolutely, positively NOT safe for work. Broadband recommended.) There is, I suppose, a kind of peace in death, where the breath she waxes poetic about is one's last.

Why does the media give these people attention?

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