Saturday, April 15, 2006

Artistic, Superior Idiots

I did a run through the Cagle Cartoon page for today's pieces. I see that the overwhelming majority of political cartoonists are still of the socialist/leftist mold. Let's review a few, shall we?

Let's start with the Left's favorite refrain when it comes to Iraq, "QUAGMIRE!!"

M.E. Cohen, a freelancer, sees Iraq as a failure. Nope, no hope there at all.

He's not alone.
Mike Lane of the Baltimore Sun does it more graphically. What says "QUAGMIRE!" better than quicksand in a swamp?

Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune thinks G.W. Bush is just a child playing with his toys:
Yes, Iraq was no threat, and apparently Iran isn't one either!

Vince O'Farrel, an Australian, uses an interesting image in his piece:
Apparently the modern domino theory just isn't working, according to Vince. Libya and Lebanon notwithstanding. Perhaps we should just fly airliners into those dominos? That'd bring 'em down.

Jerry Holbert thinks part of the failure is that Iraqis just aren't capable of freedom:
Enough of that. Let's see what our social superiors are saying about the illegal immigration kerfuffle.

United Media's Steve Benson says the problem is Americans are ignorant racist rednecks:
Chris Britt of the Springfield, IL State Journal-Register apparently agrees:
Gary Markstein of Copley News Service thinks that all of the illegal immigrants in the country are just undocumented Americans:
However, at least Randy Bish of the Pittsburg Tribune-Review has a little different take:
And finally, Simanca Osmani, a Brazilian cartoonist, draws a parallel between the Berlin Wall, put up by the Communists to keep their people IN, the Israeli wall in Palestine, put up to keep suicide bombers OUT, and the proposed U.S. border fence:
Let's see if I can explain the differences and the similarities. If Mexico put up a fence to keep its oppressed people in, and set up minefields, machine-gun nests and attack dog patrols with orders to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape - that would be a valid comparison. With Israel, the parallel is a little closer. We'd really like to prevent an Islamofascist with a backpack full of biowarfare materials or poisons from coming across our border and killing a few hundred or few thousand people.

I wonder if Osmani is aware that Guatemala built a fence across its border with Mexico? I guess Guatemalans are afraid of "brown people" too?

Nobody seems to get that WE'RE IN A WAR FOR CIVILIZATION. Which is why I posted the link to the two pieces on that topic last night. I swear, I see some of this stuff and I get that RCOB moment that makes me want to take a ClueBat™ to these purblind idiots.

They're not all bad, but that's about all I can stomach for one day.

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