Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Uncommon Voices.

Voices of reason that, surprisingly, actually hit the news media.

I haven't said anything about the recent Seattle mass shooting. Others have done yeoman's service at that (yes, Jeff, I mean you, and you're not alone). Of course there was the usual dancing in the blood of the slain by the gun ban advocates, but there were two voices in the din that spoke sense. The first was from last week's issue of the Seattle Times, an op-ed by Knute Berger:
There are two typical reactions in the wake of last weekend's murder spree.

One is the impulse to turn this into a morality tale of drugs, guns, and out-of-control youth. The Nannytownies are already finding it hard to resist a story line that suggests our collective guilt is due to a failure of public policy. If only we had the proper restrictions in place, we could have saved the lives of these young people. The Seattle Times argues for a new, tough look at the teen dance ordinance; antigun groups are using the events to appeal for tougher gun laws. But raves don't kill people; people kill people. And if you think gun control could have prevented this crime, consider that Huff's arsenal included a baseball bat and a machete. This guy was going to find a way to kill, no matter what.
I strongly recommend you read the whole piece.

The second is by the mother of someone who was at the party, but was spared. The Seattle Times published her letter. The pertinent excerpt:
Today, I want the world to know that I'm angry.

I'm not angry at the things everyone is talking about, though. I'm not angry at the guns; the guns did not shoot at my son and kill his friends. I'm not angry at the after-hours parties, because billions of people of all ages have survived them. I'm not angry at the raves, drugs, alcohol, teenage rebellion, knives, bats, cars, etc., etc., etc.

I'm angry with Kyle Huff. Kyle Huff decided he wanted to end my son's life. Kyle Huff decided to kill all of those kids. Not his arsenal, not his family, not alcohol, not drugs. Not anything or anyone except Kyle Huff. I'm angry with everyone who is trying to make themselves feel better about this by blaming anything or anyone except the person responsible.

When are we as human beings going to stop making excuses for our behavior and the behavior of others?
Another RTWT.

Just thought you might be interested that it wasn't all a one-note symphony like it usually is.

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