Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The 2007 TSM Year In Review:.

In a rehash of last year's first post of the year, I again offer a month-by-month retrospective of posts for those of you suffering recovering from the evening's festivities. Nothing to overstress your gray matter.

January of 2006 brought the conclusion of another of my exchanges with the forces of evil anti-gun "experts" who seem to have no problem getting column space in the local (and sometimes national) press. This time it was John D. Kelly IV, a physician in Philadelphia who places the blame for Philly's skyrocketing homicide problem on (as always) the easy target - guns. The concluding piece of this three-parter was I'm Finished with THIS Particular Windmill...

February brought us The Great Zumbo Incident of 2007, and much sound and fury ensued across the blogosphere and into the real world. My post of choice for this month is The Sport of Kings. It was a difficult call, but this one gets the nod.

March brought the D.C. Federal Court of Appeals Parker v D.C. decision, and this time the choice was simple: Light a Seegar, it's the Best Birthday Present EVER! The reaction of our opponents was swift and predictable, so I got some fisks in that month, too.

April was another story. That month brought the Virginia Tech massacre. But instead of bolstering the gun-control side I think it made a lot more people understand the realities of life, so again the choice was simple - The Right to Feel Safe. There isn't one. You can choose to address your safety, or ignore it, but signs saying "Gun Free Zone" only disarm the people you don't need to worry about.

May was a more normal month, but AlGore published a new book about how stupid we all are, and Time published an excerpt, so I fisked it in Al Gore's Internet.

In June I was busy and didn't post much, but there were a couple that I think deserve re-reading. The first was about a defensive shooting in which we got a little more background information than normal - An Update on the Cape Coral Defensive Shooting. And another on someone who finally decided that feeling safe was their own responsibility - Ignorance = Fear. Education is the Key.

In July a Connecticut family found out that their safe, quiet neighborhood, wasn't, and a popular and respected physician lost his family in about the most horrible way possible. I wrote about it, and the community reaction, in Awakenings.

In not-so-related news, I bought my first firearm of the year in July. My apologies for slacking, but I did change jobs in April.

August brought a reminder of why I will never license nor register my firearms. I also discovered that my new (to me) pistol didn't work, but that was OK, because I won her sister.

In September I did a rather long and detailed post on introductory handloading that has proven quite popular - probably more because of the cost of factory ammunition than my writing skills.

October brought us the Second Annual Gunblogger's Rendezvous which I enjoyed very much, but if comments are any judge, my post The Mystery of Government was more popular.

November brought my third gun for the year (I want to buy one-gun-a-month, but my income won't support that!) but the most popular post (by commentary) was a remarkably short one, for me: Why the Left Believes the Media is "Right-Wing" I blame credit commenter Markadelphia for the really long comment threads over the last few months. I gigged him over a post of his from the Great Zumbo Incident and he followed me home!

December brought another überpost, this one inspired by a film recommended by Markadelphia - Why We Fight. It's probably the longest thing I've written here in one piece, but I've gotten good feedback on it.

And, to end the year, I received an Instalanche! (OK, so it was a YouTube video I found elsewhere, but Glenn linked to me! Hahahahah! 2,000+ hits in one day! I realize this is nothing for big-time bloggers, but for lil' old me, it's a lot!)

My best wishes to you all for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. Remember, it's going to be nothing but politics until November, so buy aspirin, Pepto Bismol, waders, gloves, and ear and nose plugs. It's going to get thick and deep.

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