Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Don't Know Why, But This Still Astounds Me...

First, I discover that in July of last year, Senator Obama asked a crowd of Iowans:
"Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?” the senator said. "I mean, they're charging a lot of money for this stuff."
The New York Times helpfully informs its "hip, urban" audience:
The state of Iowa, for all of its vast food production, does not have a Whole Foods, a leading natural and organic foods market. The closest? Omaha, Minneapolis or Kansas City.

Mr. Obama, perhaps sensing a lack of reaction from the crowd, moved along to the next topic. After all, he never claimed to be a farming expert.
Just a guess, but I'm willing to bet most Iowa farmers are more familiar with iceberg lettuce than arugula, and most non-farming Iowans shop at the local Fareway which probably doesn't carry arugula. The NYT covers his faux pas with its glib "He never claimed to be a farming expert" line, but what he illustrated was that he had absolutely no feel for (and I'll capitalize) Middle America.

And he still doesn't.

Nor is he alone in this, apparently obviously.

I was also not aware that his latest "guns and God, xenophobia and bigotry" gaffe was reported by none other than his acolytes at The Huffington Post by someone who supports him and who paid $2,300 to see him at that posh Hollywood mansion appearance that was otherwise closed to the media. Not only that, but the piece written by Mayhill Fowler was submitted for editorial review! And Ariana Huffington herself, while on David Geffen's palatial yacht in Tahiti (probably eating arugula in her salads), gave it the go-ahead!

I am reminded of Bernard Goldberg's analysis of Eric Enberg's CBS Evening News "Reality Check" piece from the 1996 campaign of then-candidate Steve Forbes' "Flat Tax" proposal. The piece was so biased that it drove Goldberg to write an editorial on it that was published in the Wall Street Journal. That op-ed cost Goldberg his job at CBS, and his book Bias grew out of his experience. In Bias he wrote:
Jerry Kelly from Enterprise, Alabama, spotted the bias in the Enberg report. Jerry Kelly spotted the wise guy and the one-sidedness. And Jerry Kelly is a general building contractor, not a newsman.

Who didn't find anything wrong with Enberg's piece?

First off, Enberg didn't.

His producer in Washington didn't.

The Evening News senior producer in Washington didn't.

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of the CBS Evening News in New York didn't.

His team of senior producers in New York didn't.

Andrew Heyward, the CBS News president and Harvard Phi Beta Kappa, didn't.

And finally, Dan Rather, the anchorman and managing editor of the CBS Evening News didn't.

Not one of them spotted anything wrong with a story that no one should have let on the air in the first place.
Here, nobody saw anything wrong with what Obama said, in Hollywood, on Millionaire's Row, at a $2,300-a-ticket fundraiser.

Mayhill Fowler didn't.

Marc Cooper, editorial coordinator for Huffington Post didn't.

Amanda Michel, another HuffPo editorial layer didn't.

Editor Roy Sekoff didn't.

Ariana Huffington herself didn't.

But millions of Middle Americans did, and they're not newspeople or politicians.

This was not a story dug up by Obama's opposition, this was a story released by his supporters - none of whom recognized the bomb that Obama had built and that they were dropping.

And what is apparently worse is the report that Obama's "aides tell reporters he is privately bewildered that anybody took offense" - thus his "If I worded things in a way that made people offended..." non-apology.

What's worse than that? Apparently a big chunk of the country thinks his characterization of rural America is correct, not just the "hip, urban" crowd and those who ride around on 425-foot yachts or pay $2,300 to see candidates in the multi-million dollar mansions of their most fervent supporters.

I said in a comment that I predict no matter who wins the Democrat nomination, the Presidential race is going to be the nastiest, dirtiest election this nation has seen since Andrew Jackson ran. Commenter Bilgeman, however, may have the right of it:
We can survive a Jackson campaign.

I'd be more worried about a repeat of the 1860 election.
The Great Divide between the Left and the Right in this country just keeps getting wider, and nowhere is that better illustrated than here.

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