Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day
If journalism still existed, I'd still be doing it in television, likely. - AM 790 KNST morning show host Jim Parisi via email
I emailed Jim Parisi this morning with a link to Orson Scott Card's angry rant at journalists because he had interviewed Card once before, and one of the topics Jim discusses on the show fairly regularly is media bias. He has had a long career in journalism as a reporter and a news director in television and radio, so he's seen it. He ended up doing the morning news here in Tucson because his wife is a native Tucsonan, but Jim is originally from New Hampshire and has directly covered the New Hampshire primaries on more than one occasion. He spent some extended time in Bill and Hillary's presence when they were campaigning there. I can't find it now, but he did a scathing monologue one day on how he personally liked Bill, but found Hillary to be loathsome, and how that discovery finally turned him away from being a Democrat.

A couple of years ago the morning show guy quit (or was fired) and he was put in the morning show seat with basically no warning - newsman to talk-show host in ten seconds flat.

His show is now #1 in the Arbitron ratings for AM stations here in Tucson. Jim is, if you say nothing else about him, fair - giving each side a voice, and smacking them down when they deserve it. He's also got a twisted sense of humor, and that helps.

I've quoted Jim before here.

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