Thursday, March 04, 2010

Quote of the Day - R0n P4ul Edition

As promised, QotD #3 on the same subject. This time from the comments at Unix-Jedi's place (at his suggestion, and well given):

Man is a social animal and will always have to live within a social structure, particularly once they get over the tribal limit. That social structure will consume a certain amount of time and effort and resources. It is no different than the necessity to devote time and effort and resources to securing food, water, and shelter. However much we'd rather avoid it, that's no argument against working to put roofs over our heads. This is our nature, this is our environment, this is what we have to do to live and thrive.

This offends anarcho-libertarians in the same way that human self-interest offends communists. Tough shit. Both philosophies are based on false premises and false views of human nature. I no more feel the need to justify "robbery" to an anarcho-libertarian than I feel the need to justify private property to a commie, or agriculture to a breatharian. When you choose to fight nature, nature's gonna' win.

-- ernunnos

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