Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quote of the Day - Unconstrained Vision Edition

(H)ow I see the Right is that the Right is connected to Jeffersonianism and Jacksonian principles. In other words, limited government intervention, freedom and libertarianism. The Left wants the far Right to be known as some kind of Hitler or Mussolini, and unfortunately they're wrong, or FORTUNATELY they're wrong, because that kind of right is on the Left, that's why Hitler and the rest of them were known as National Socialists. Look, yes, I mean if you're on the Right and we understand the Right, you believe in individual freedom, limited government intervention and basically a free society. Now the Left is attracted to totalitarianism because you see the Left wants to build a perfect planet on this Earth. They want perfectibility in human beings and human institutions, ultimately. They want to build a utopia. So in order to build their paradise there needs to be a transformation. Now that transformation necessitates changing and molding the human being from what and who he is, and therefore necessitates destruction. And that's why every Leftist experiment, every socialist experiment has led to that kind of bloodshed, from the Soviet Union to Mao's China, Viet Nam, Castro's Cuba, the Sandinista's Nicaragua, you name it. So, to make a long story short, because the Left wants that kind of destruction, to build a new paradise on the ashes of the old Earth, they support - it makes complete sense who perpetrates Ground Zero: radical Islam. So you've got the Jihadis trying to build Sharia paradise, you've got the Left trying to build classless utopia, so therefore they are united in hate.

-- Dr. Jamie Glasov, NRO's Between the Covers interview for his book United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror.

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