Monday, August 03, 2015

Balkanization, Part II

Awhile back I wrote a post entitled Balkanization about how the Tucson Unified School District was running elementary and secondary education courses in "Race studies."  What it appeared to be was advanced indoctrination in "The White Man is Keeping Us DOWN!"

This kind of stuff dates back to the 60's radicals - many of whom occupy (or have occupied) teaching positions in the schools of education across the country - Howard Zinn, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn being only the most "famous."  First you teach the educators, then they teach the pupils.

And the end result?  Balkanization - defined as
to break up (as a region or group) into smaller and often hostile units
Note with particular attention the word "hostile."

Perusing Gerard Van der Leun's site the other day, I came across this really excellent essay: Liberals May Regret Their New Rules. Excerpt:
(America is) becoming a nation where an elite that is certain of its power and its moral rightness is waging a cultural war on a despised minority. Except it's not actually a minority – it only seems that way because it is marginalized by the coastal elitist liberals who run the mainstream media.

Today in America, we have a liberal president (who) refuses to recognize the majority sent to Congress as a reaction to his progressive failures, and who uses extra-Constitutional means like executive orders to stifle the voice of his opponents. We have a liberal establishment on a secular jihad against people who dare place their conscience ahead of progressive dogma. And we have two different sets of laws, one for the little people and one for liberals like Lois Lerner, Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton, who can blatantly commit federal crimes and walk away scot free and smirking.

Today in America, a despised minority that is really no minority is the target of an establishment that considers this minority unworthy of respect, unworthy of rights, and unworthy of having a say in the direction of this country. It’s an establishment that has one law for itself, and another for its enemies. It’s an establishment that inflicts an ever-increasing series of petty humiliations on its opponents and considers this all hilarious.

That’s a recipe for disaster. You cannot expect to change the status quo for yourself and then expect those you victimize not to play by the new rules you have created. You cannot expect to be able to discard the rule of law in favor of the rule of force and have those you target not respond in kind.
RTWT. It's a cautionary tale that I don't think the Left on the whole is capable of learning.  But a few can.

"Tough history coming," indeed.

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