Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Petition for Redress of Grievances

So, after a week of “news” about the gun-rights protest held in Virginia yesterday, predicting a repeat of Charlottesville (or worse), the declaration of a State of Emergency by Gov. Blackf… Ralph Northam, etc, the media hasn’t been more disappointed in a lack of violence since the premiere of
The Joker.

The Narrative™ has been well and truly busted.

Not that that will change anything.

On Quora I have seen a myriad of (and answered a few) questions about gun control, the power of the NRA, why Americans won’t surrender their guns like civilized Europeans, etc. I have seen answers accusing gun owners of being nothing but angry, racist, sexist, bigoted aging fat white men with small penises, mentally ill, brainwashed, homicidal, and pretty much every slander you can think of. (For the record, I’m an aging fat white man with a standard-issue penis, thank you.) What did the Richmond protest show us? Well, if you watch ABCNNBCBS, not much. If you went on the web to the sites of multiple groups who attended, this:


Angry people:

And this was not a small protest. THOUSANDS of people showed up. And they didn’t all get MLK day off from work.

It wasn’t the National Rifle Association behind this - it was the grassroots Virginia Citizens Defense League. How do you know it was grassroots? Most signs were hand-lettered, not printed up and handed out to protesters bussed in by third-parties.

No, this was people petitioning their government for redress of grievances, and out of all the attendees, I think this man said it best:

And first runner-up for the “Well Said” Award:

Why is the “gun lobby” so powerful? Because EVERY SINGLE STATE has people like these, and we will not be disarmed.
Oh, and unlike after Leftist protests, our people clean up after themselves:

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