If he puts their panties in a twist, he's all right by me:
"MACHINE GUN SAMMY," A PERFECT HALLOWEEN PICKDammnit! I keep checking my city streets and I NEVER FIND THE UZIS or AKs. Not one! Promises, promises.
Washington, D.C. - How could it have gone in any other direction, from a White House that just gave blanket immunity to the gun industry, which refuses to bar terrorists from buying guns, that broke a campaign promise and put Uzis and AK-47s back on America’s city streets, and insisted that records of gun purchases be destroyed before the sun sets on them twice?
It had to be a Supreme Court pick that favors legal machine guns.And Hallelujah for that!!
In 1996, Judge Samuel Alito was the sole judge who dissented from his Third Circuit Court of Appeals colleagues when they upheld the authority of Congress to ban fully automatic machine guns.Er, no. Ban the sale of new ones to the general public. Ownership of the currently possesed roughly quarter-million full-auto weapons currently in private hands is still legal. I know people who own some of them.
“Earth to Sammy - who needs legal machine guns?” asked Jim Brady, chair of the Brady Campaign. “The Chicago mobsters of the 1930s would be giddy. But the man I worked for, who gave us Sandra Day O’Connor and signed the 1986 machine gun ban, would be shaking his head.”I've got news for you, Mike, it still is.
“Judge Alito’s ludicrous machine gun decision is bad enough. But it also indicates that a Justice Ilito[sic] would attempt to prevent Congress from passing other laws to protect Americans from gun violence,” said Michael D. Barnes, President of the Brady Campaign. (Outgoing president of the Brady Campaign. I love saying that. Don't let the door hit you, Mike! - Ed.) “If Judge Alito had his way, the federal machine gun ban would have been struck down as unconstitutional, and the private possession of these weapons would have become legal."
# # #And only the government has guns. A mistake a free people get to make only once.
As the nation's largest (But shrinking), non-partisan (but almost wholly Democrat), grassroots organization leading the fight to prevent gun violence (by eliminating lawful gun ownership), the Brady Campaign, working with its dedicated (but diminishing) network of Million Mom March Chapters, is devoted to creating an America free from gun violence (by making it free of guns, and that has worked so well everywhere it's been tried, hasn't it?), where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in our communities.
UPDATE, 11/3: The Violence Policy Center ratchets up the rhetoric with a five page PDF format press release.