I got a chance to go to the range today, and while I was there I thought I'd go ahead and try Mr. Completely's current postal match, "Flyswatter."
Humbling damn experience.
I also got to check out my new S&W M25 Mountain Gun. It shoots pretty well, but I've got a damned flinch. I tried out my 300 grain Cast Performance handloads, and I've decided I need to try a different primer. My heaviest load of 15.0 grains of 2400 yeilded velocities from 750 to 850fps, an extreme spread of 100fps! That's not right, and (along with my flinch) the groups were not spectacular. I was using Winchester WLP large pistol primers, advertised as being for standard or magnum loads.
Apparently not with 2400.
Perhaps I should try some Federal magnum primers under those same powder charges.
The good news is that the range was busy as hell. The rifle silhouette range was running its scheduled Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle match, the two public ranges were about 2/3 full, the pistol range had a group shooting on it. I got kicked off the police range I was on because the Boy Scouts had reserved it. They hadn't shown up the night before to camp, but they came this morning anyway to shoot. The only ranges not crowded were the .22 rifle silhouette range and the 1,000 yard range.
Hopefully I'll get to go back to the range next weekend for a little more experimentation.
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