Today is B.A.G. day - "Buy a Gun" Day.
B.A.G. day was created by blogger Aaron back in 2003. I've participated many times. In 2004 I bought
a Makarov. 2005, a
S&W Model 60. 2006 brought a
Winchester '94 in .45 Colt (a month
early, but still. . . .) I missed in 2007, but in 2008
I bought a scope instead of a gun. Last year I bought
a Taurus revolver. (Got
rid of it, too, traded it in on a
Kel-Tec PF9 that actually goes 'BANG' every time I pull the trigger.)
This year? Well, this year I'm still waiting for my
Ted Brown M14. He has the receiver. He's expecting the barrel shortly. The stock is on order.
And still I wait . . . .

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