The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. - Ayn Rand
Liberty is an inherently offensive lifestyle. Living in a free society guarantees that each one of us will see our most cherished principles and beliefs questioned and in some cases mocked. That psychic discomfort is the price we pay for basic civic peace. It's worth it. It's a pragmatic principle. Defend everyone else's rights, because if you don't there is no one to defend yours. -- MaxedOutMama
I don't just want gun rights... I want individual liberty, a culture of self-reliance....I want the whole bloody thing. -- Kim du Toit
The most glaring example of the cognitive dissonance on the left is the concept that human beings are inherently good, yet at the same time cannot be trusted with any kind of weapon, unless the magic fairy dust of government authority gets sprinkled upon them.-- Moshe Ben-David
The cult of the left believes that it is engaged in a great apocalyptic battle with corporations and industrialists for the ownership of the unthinking masses. Its acolytes see themselves as the individuals who have been "liberated" to think for themselves. They make choices. You however are just a member of the unthinking masses. You are not really a person, but only respond to the agendas of your corporate overlords. If you eat too much, it's because corporations make you eat. If you kill, it's because corporations encourage you to buy guns. You are not an individual. You are a social problem. -- Sultan Knish
All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war. -- Billy Beck
I don't just want gun rights... I want individual liberty, a culture of self-reliance....I want the whole bloody thing. -- Kim du Toit
The most glaring example of the cognitive dissonance on the left is the concept that human beings are inherently good, yet at the same time cannot be trusted with any kind of weapon, unless the magic fairy dust of government authority gets sprinkled upon them.-- Moshe Ben-David
The cult of the left believes that it is engaged in a great apocalyptic battle with corporations and industrialists for the ownership of the unthinking masses. Its acolytes see themselves as the individuals who have been "liberated" to think for themselves. They make choices. You however are just a member of the unthinking masses. You are not really a person, but only respond to the agendas of your corporate overlords. If you eat too much, it's because corporations make you eat. If you kill, it's because corporations encourage you to buy guns. You are not an individual. You are a social problem. -- Sultan Knish
All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war. -- Billy Beck
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Your Moment of Zen
I guess I wasn't kidding when I said back in May that I'd be cutting back on posting.
Anyway, here's a much-overdue Moment of Zen™ for you:

(click for full size)
Anyway, here's a much-overdue Moment of Zen™ for you:
(click for full size)
Moment of Zen
Friday, October 24, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Fury over Fury?
Scott Ott, Bill Whittle and Stephen Green discuss the recent film Fury, and the Hollywood treatment of Americans at war.
Bear in mind, none of them had actually seen the film when this was made. Please watch before continuing:
I saw the film on Friday, and my favorite Merchant O'Death saw it Sunday. MO'D is a Marine from a military family, and an armor enthusiast. I asked his opinion of the Trifecta you just watched. Here's his response:
None on my part, either.
Bear in mind, none of them had actually seen the film when this was made. Please watch before continuing:
I saw the film on Friday, and my favorite Merchant O'Death saw it Sunday. MO'D is a Marine from a military family, and an armor enthusiast. I asked his opinion of the Trifecta you just watched. Here's his response:
By happenstance, my paternal grandfather was a tank commander in the 3rd Armored Division in WWII. The 3rd AD landed in France at Omaha White beach starting on June 23rd, 1944. My granddad was assigned to the 33rd Armored Regiment, one of the units that drove ashore on the 23rd. He fought through the rest of the war, being shot out of three Shermans before being assigned as (I believe) his battalion commander's driver (in a M-5 Stuart light tank) in the last month or two of the war. His personal decorations were a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star, the latter being awarded for pulling the other four crew members, who were incapacitated, out of one of the aforementioned tanks under enemy fire. He came home with all of his fingers and toes, but carrying some extra weight in the form of shrapnel in his lower extremities. There is no doubt in my military mind, that he experienced all of the brutality and horror depicted in "Fury", and some that was not shown in the film. I guarantee that he was very familiar with the dying horses and clouds of flies during the summer of 1944 that "Gordo" talks about in the movie. That really happened. His unit liberated the Nordhausen concentration camp. He fought through the "Battle of the Bulge". He was there for the battles of Aachen and Cologne. And when it was finally over, he came home to my grandmother. He went to work for the United States Postal Service as a letter carrier and retired as Postmaster of the city of Monterey Park, California raising three sons along the way.He also had this commentary on the film:
I remember him sharing a few anecdotes of his time in Europe during the war. As a small child, I would listen intently to the stories. When I was older, especially after I had joined the Marine Corps, those anecdotes became very sobering. I had a hard time understanding why my granddad didn't clank when he walked, and wondered how he could sit comfortably with balls that big. He was a soft-spoken man that looked like an old-time college professor. I never heard him swear once. I only ever saw him drunk one time. I never saw him mad or melancholy. Never once did I hear him refer to the Germans he fought against as any thing other than "the Germans". Never heard "Nazi", "Kraut", "bad guys", "the enemy" or anything similar come from him when talking about his war time experiences. Never heard him reference the SS except in a historical context. If he harbored any special enmity toward them, I never knew of it.
There is plenty of historical data pointing to acts of brutality committed by both sides during the "War in the West", but these pale in comparison to what happened on the Eastern Front. While there are stories of something resembling chivalry between the Germans and the Western allies (Adolph Galland allowing the RAF to air drop a pair of prosthetic legs to RAF ace Douglas Bader after the latter was interred in a POW camp), quarter was neither asked nor given in the East. The Germans and Russians had a special kind of hate going on there. I think the recent "fad" of Hollywood depicting American soldiers shooting surrendering German troops or allowing German soldiers to burn to death strikes a sharp blow to the American sense of "fair play" that has been drilled into us since the end of WWII. It has been perpetuated in the myriad war movies made over a 60 year period. Were the scenes of Brad Pitt driving a fighting knife through the eye socket of a German officer and shooting a surrendering soldier in the back with a revolver brutal? Sure they were. Could they have happened in real life? Sure they could. Did they happen in real life? Probably. In the end, it was a movie. Historical fiction, not a documentary. Did these scenes offend me or make me question my own morality or shatter my noble illusion of the "greatest generation"? Nope. Would the movie have been just as effective in delivering it's message without those scenes? Probably.
My dad, who is a combat vet, has told me on more than one occasion, that if Hollywood made a war movie that ACCURATELY depicted what war was really like, people wouldn't go see it. A two hour movie would consist of ten minutes of sheer terror and utter confusion. The other hour and fifty minutes would be a bunch of guys wandering around, bitching incessantly, telling dirty jokes, farting, scratching, swearing, and grab-assing.
I went and saw "Fury" this evening. You were right, I wasn't disappointed, though I must say that there were several aspects that drove me nuts. All-in-all, I really enjoyed the film. It wasn't as violent as people had insisted it was; nothing in the movie was as disturbing as the demise of the Red Viper in GoT! Brad Pitt was very good and (much as I hate to admit it) Shia LeBeouf was exceptionally good. Since you asked, I will give you a brief run-down of my take on the movie:So, not too much outrage over the war crimes, check.
Stuff I didn't like:
* The plot in general. By April of 1945, there would be NO EXCUSE for sending a single platoon of Shermans into harm's way, let alone without the support elements organic to an armored division: armored infantry (though there were some grunts in the beginning), artillery, reconnaissance, tank destroyers, anti-aircraft, combat engineers, maintenance, supply, medical etc. By that late date, there would have been more than enough men and material to make sending a single platoon of tanks out on the "mission" depicted in the film ludicrous at best.
* As usual, the Germans were depicted as inept, robotic entities. The gun crews manning the 7.5cm PaK 43s would not have missed those Shermans traversing open ground at such close range. The fact that they were SS troops makes it even more unlikely since even that late in the war, the SS still maintained a very high level of training and morale. The SS officers would NOT be wearing their early-war, "feldgrau" wool uniforms, complete with peaked officers caps. They would have been wearing the same stuff as everyone else, mostly a mix of uniform components. Due to the high level of Allied air activity at this point in the war (P-51s, P-47s, A-26s, B-26s, Typhoons and Tempests were roaming the countryside shooting, bombing and rocketing everything that remotely looked German, with impunity), a battalion of SS infantry and vehicles would not be moving down a country road in broad daylight, let alone singing the "Horst Wessel Leib" (at least I think that is what they were singing).
* Not too sure Fury's crew would be that dysfunctional. Guys that would have been together that long would have had their shit wrapped a bit tighter. Also not sure that they would have been sent a newby trained as a clerk-typist as an A-driver either. We were far from being that desperate for tank crewmen that late in the war.
* The sniper at the end of the movie just would not have been there, especially wearing a face veil (which was a beautiful, technical touch by the way).
* Too many tracers! At one point I thought I was watching the opening scene to Star Wars: Episode IV......
* I didn't see a single BAR in the movie! WTF???
Stuff I did like:
* The acting.
* The sound effects. The .50cals sounded like .50cals!
* The small arms. War Daddy had a Smith and Wesson 1917! The Germans were equipped with a believable mix of small arms. Nice to see only a few of them had Schmeissers.....
* The vehicles. Of course! The Shermans were all correct (as far as I can tell after one viewing). One M4A3E8 (Fury), one M4A1 76mm (W), and what were either two M4A3s or later production M4s, both sporting 75mm guns. The one minor issue was the use of T-84 tracks on "Fury" when they should have been T-66 or T-80 tracks. T-66 tracks are pretty scarce these days, but T-80s are pretty common. The T-84 track was used on Shermans post-war. I'll give that one to Hollywood. The knocked out vehicles at the beginning were well done, including a PzKpfw IV aufs H or J and a Panther (could have been CG, I suppose)! Some of the vehicles in the background throughout the film include an M-4 high speed cargo tractor towing a 105mm howitzer, an M-26 "Dragon Wagon" tank recovery vehicle, several "deuce-and-a-halves", what appears to be an honest-to-goodness Schwimmwagen, several SdKfz 251 halftracks (which could have been Czech OT-810s but as there are several original -251s in running condition I am betting hey are the real deal), and the requisite Jeep. The star of the show, as far as I am concerned, is the REAL PzKpfw Mk VI, known to one and all as the Tiger. The only running Tiger I in existence and someone finally managed to put it in a movie! That was worth the price of admission all by itself!
This is just a brief summary. There were several other, smaller items that bothered me, but I think the movie was really impressive overall. I'm sure I will go see it a couple of more times.
None on my part, either.
Bill Whittle,
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Quote of the Day - Ebola Edition
Seen on Facebook.
Monday, October 13, 2014
You Are Not a Liberal
Bill Whittle's latest:
Bill Whittle,
Friday, October 10, 2014
Apparently They Nuked Pandora...
The Na'vi have been wiped out, and mining of Unobtanium has resumed.
My 8-lb. keg ofUnobtanium Unique finally came in. Along with a 4-lb. keg of Power Pistol.
Remember, I found a 8-pounder back in June. The retailer wanted $299 for it, plus HazMat. I passed.
Powder Valley still shows the 8-lb. keg for $109.25, but they don't have any. My local retailer wanted $199.00 plus tax. I paid it. And $99 for the Power Pistol.
Remember those halcyon days of, oh, two years ago when pistol powder was about $18/lb in quantity? Yeah. So do I.
The shop got in two of those 8-pounders. Another customer saw mine and bought the other one on the spot.
Looks like I'll be loading this weekend!
My 8-lb. keg of
Remember, I found a 8-pounder back in June. The retailer wanted $299 for it, plus HazMat. I passed.
Powder Valley still shows the 8-lb. keg for $109.25, but they don't have any. My local retailer wanted $199.00 plus tax. I paid it. And $99 for the Power Pistol.
Remember those halcyon days of, oh, two years ago when pistol powder was about $18/lb in quantity? Yeah. So do I.
The shop got in two of those 8-pounders. Another customer saw mine and bought the other one on the spot.
Looks like I'll be loading this weekend!
Thursday, October 09, 2014
"Are we all quite mad here in the developed world?"
Not all of us, but far too many.
Next question?
Mark Champion of Bloomberg View asks the question upon considering the reaction to the government of Spain deciding to euthanize a mixed-breed dog, pet of a Spanish nursing assistant who contracted the Ebola virus. He reports:
In related news, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not People Eating Tasty Animals) wants to put up a granite memorial at a location where "hundreds of terrified chickens suffered and died" as the result of a truck accident.
I think a memorial Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet should be built there.
A Popeye's just wouldn't have the proper gravitas.
Edited to add: James Lileks weighs in on the subject.
Next question?
Mark Champion of Bloomberg View asks the question upon considering the reaction to the government of Spain deciding to euthanize a mixed-breed dog, pet of a Spanish nursing assistant who contracted the Ebola virus. He reports:
A petition to save Excalibur, the pet dog of a Spanish nursing assistant who has contracted Ebola, received more than 370,000 signatures before the animal was sedated and killed as a precautionary measure this evening. As his corpse was taken away in a van for incineration, a crowd of activists who had clashed with police during the day were reportedly shouting: "murderers!"Go read the piece and look at the pictures of the protesters in this Daily Mail piece.
I don't remember people clashing with police to persuade their governments to do more to help stop the spread of Ebola in Africa, where more than 3,400 human beings have died from the disease. Indeed, an online petition to persuade the U.S. government to fast-track research for an Ebola drug has so far received 152,534 signatures. By that measure, we care half as much about finding a cure for Ebola as saving a dog.
In related news, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not People Eating Tasty Animals) wants to put up a granite memorial at a location where "hundreds of terrified chickens suffered and died" as the result of a truck accident.
I think a memorial Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet should be built there.
A Popeye's just wouldn't have the proper gravitas.
Edited to add: James Lileks weighs in on the subject.
Political Correctness,
Stupid Human Tricks
Thursday, October 02, 2014
Dealing with Loss
I posted about a week ago that Boo, my 19 year-old cat died. Nineteen years is a long time to share with another creature, and loss is painful. If you've ever had pets, you've almost certainly gone through it.
Another blogger lost her best buddy not too long ago. Brigid lost her black Lab, Barkley back in February after almost eleven years.
Each of us deals with loss in different ways. I've been blogging for a bit more than eleven years now, but I'm a good technical writer. Anything other than posting an announcement of his passing is pretty much beyond me.
I've been reading Brigid since she started blogging. To deal with her loss, she wrote The Book of Barkley, and it is everything she is online and more. It is the story of her life and the portion she shared with Barkley. Brigid is an artist. Words are her medium. She paints with them - still lifes, landscapes, and sweeping frescoes of words. Some are dark, some are cheerful, some are funny and some are startlingly beautiful and poignant.
She has used the proceeds from the sales of her book to help other bloggers, donate to Lab Rescue, and help out her dad who is 94 and in poor health. Want a good book? Pick it up on Amazon or wherever good books are sold online.
Another blogger lost her best buddy not too long ago. Brigid lost her black Lab, Barkley back in February after almost eleven years.
Each of us deals with loss in different ways. I've been blogging for a bit more than eleven years now, but I'm a good technical writer. Anything other than posting an announcement of his passing is pretty much beyond me.
I've been reading Brigid since she started blogging. To deal with her loss, she wrote The Book of Barkley, and it is everything she is online and more. It is the story of her life and the portion she shared with Barkley. Brigid is an artist. Words are her medium. She paints with them - still lifes, landscapes, and sweeping frescoes of words. Some are dark, some are cheerful, some are funny and some are startlingly beautiful and poignant.
She has used the proceeds from the sales of her book to help other bloggers, donate to Lab Rescue, and help out her dad who is 94 and in poor health. Want a good book? Pick it up on Amazon or wherever good books are sold online.
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Bill Whittle Being Optimistic
Somebody needs to be.
Bill Whittle
"Banana Hammer" Kicked Over My Gigglebox
From the minds at, a poster showing all of the eeeeeeevil components that make up the AR15 rifle:

But I must admit that "Merciless rage piston" ranked right up there.
If you want to waste a fewhours days, go to the originating thread at ARFCOM.
But I must admit that "Merciless rage piston" ranked right up there.
If you want to waste a few
gun control,
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