(You needn't watch the entire thing, but at least watch from about 1:50 to about 3:30.)
But the very next day:
Right back to form.
I found these clips over at AR15.com, along with this excellent reaction by "John_Wayne777":
Fuck Colbert and fuck his little buddy John Stewart.And I second this approval:
Colbert had a show for how many years predicated entirely on mocking people who disagree with his progressive preferences. And he's a contributor to the bubble of smugness that these motherfuckers live in.
He is the fucking poison. He is the fucking toxicity.
I'm sick to fucking death of people who have been calling everyone who disagrees with them intellectually deficient and morally degenerate trying to pretend they are somehow deeply intellectual by asking how politics became so "toxic".
Not, you understand, because there are people dragging Trump supporters out of cars and beating them up for supporting the wrong candidate. Not because there were fuckheads burning cities and killing police officers under the headline BLACK LIVES MATTER! Not because one of the parties rigged its primary so it could ensure no significant opposition to a woman under investigation for the FBI who somehow magicked up a 300 million dollar fortune by giving "speeches".
No, politics is "toxic" because a bunch of people went out and voted for a dude they don't like and told these people to go fuck themselves.
Yeah. Fuck that "toxic" shit.
Motherfucker, I didn't turn politics into a fucking knife fight. You fuckers are the ones who decided that no law or principle mattered more than winning.
I haven't stooped to your level and never will...but neither will I continue to abide by Marquis of Queensberry rules. You want a knife fight? Fine. Don't fucking whine when you get cut.

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