To those who are grieving this morning... grieve. I understand. I am so sorry.I left the following comment:
To those who achieved victory... be gracious. No matter what.
To all of you... we have a Republic, if we can keep it. And WE are ALL its children. Love one another. No matter what.
God bless America.
Sorry, Nick, but The Other Side™ has been diligently working for 100 years at demonizing their opposition. Charles Krauthammer correctly identified the issue when he made his declaration in 2002:See 2005's March of the Lemmings, or 2008's Human Reconstruction, the Healing of Souls, and the Remaking of Society.
"To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil."
If you believe your opposition is EVIL, then there is no "loving your enemy" - they aren't merely wrong, they're EVIL and must be not merely defeated, but destroyed.
That's been increasingly how the Left has been working for the last couple of decades now, while the opposite side of the aisle has been treating them as "The Loyal Opposition." WE'RE in a contest. THEY'RE fighting a WAR, with nothing less than the fate of humanity riding on the outcome. We get involved in politics every couple of years, maybe. For them, it's existential.
Bring on the Trump Derangement Syndrome™! The next four years promise to be fascinating.