From his daily Morning Briefing, titled: Defund the Public Education Leftist Indoctrination Mills
While I have never been one to view anything as an existential crisis, I’ve more and more come to believe that the upcoming presidential election will be a watershed moment for the United States. If Joe Biden wins, it will be the complete triumph of decades of public education indoctrination. The drift of so many young Americans towards socialism and anti-American sentiment is the direct result not being taught real American history, but being fed a leftist line that seeks to rewrite and/or whitewash much of what made this country great.
Do read the whole thing, but seriously, Stephen? Now? You're a pundit. I'm just the average guy, and I figured that out a few years ago. Defunding public education isn't enough. We need to nuke the site from orbit until the rubble bounces, and salt the Trinitite. Public education isn't "fixable." The problem isn't the schools, its the people who run them. We have to get them away from the children.
And for those of you who ask "Well, what do we replace them with?" please read Education, Societal Division and a Proposal
And for those of you who ask "Well, what do we replace them with?" please read Education, Societal Division and a Proposal